2023-04-27 来源:飞速影视
swanky [swki]: adj. 时尚的;奢华的
seance [seɑns]: n. 降神会(人们设法与亡灵对话的集会)
Released on 12 February in the US, Canada and Italy, 26 February in the UK and Ireland

(Credit: Sony Pictures Classics)
The Father《父亲》
What"s unique about The Father, is that it shows dementia from the perspective of the person who has it. Anthony Hopkins stars as an 80-something man who is content to live alone in his London flat, but who thinks that the people and possessions around him keep changing: in some scenes his daughter is played by Olivia Colman, and in others by Olivia Williams. Florian Zeller"s film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, partly due to the writer-director"s ingenious cinematic trickery, and partly due to the extraordinary acting. "To play a man who"s begun to lose his mental faculties, Hopkins methodically strips away every quality we"ve come to expect from him – the refinement, the silver tongue, the imposing intensity – until there"s nothing left but frailty and distress," writes AA Dowd in AV Club. "The final scenes of the movie are among the most heartbreakingly vulnerable of Hopkins" whole career."
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