2023-04-27 来源:飞速影视
Up in the garden, we snap brittle stalks(折断易碎的茎秆), scoop rustly armfuls(抱起一抱抱的秸秆), and wheel away weeds(除去杂草) for the chickens.
While they squabble(吵吵着) and scratch(扒拉着), we spread compost over the soil(将堆肥撒在土壤上).
Down in the dirt, pill bugs(西瓜虫) chew through last year"s leaves.
I give a gentle poke(轻轻地一戳).
They roll up tight(紧紧地卷了起来) and hide in plated suits of armor(镀金的套甲), roly-poly round(圆滚滚的).
Up in the garden, it"s time to plant.
I trail a furrow with my finger(用我的手指犁了一道沟) and sprinkle seeds in a careful row(然后将种子仔细地撒在上面).
"Give them a drink," Nana says.
We pat them down(将它们拍进土里) to snuggle in the dark(依偎在黑暗中).
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