
2023-04-27 来源:飞速影视
旁白:美国人还是被困在了一场和自己的没有爱的婚姻里。America remains trapping in a loveless marriage with itself.
Oscars, which traditionally celebrates Caucasian filmmakers. This year promises to be different but isn’t. Those Best Picture nominees, real rainbow coalition. You got Marriage Story, two mopey white people trapped in an affluent marriage. Ford v Ferrari, that’s white guys on wheels. Little Women, four white girls standing on the cusp of Karenhood. Joker, whose lead actor performs in white face, thereby appropriating his own culture identity while denying a role to a genuine clown. 1917, which was the year the movie was set and the number of white people in it. Oscar night, disaster strikes for the 10000 white hopefuls. (最佳影片最后给了韩国电影《寄生虫》)
Karen:合理的做法应该是等在家里,等大家都冷静下来,整个事情都烟消云散之后,再出门用冷静有秩序的方式抗议。The sensible thing to do would have been to wait at home, until everyone had just calmed down and the whole thing had blown over, and then you go out and protest in a calm and orderly manner. (这里说的是美国轰轰烈烈的BLM运动)

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