2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
治外法权 exterritoriality
指一国的法律在其境外实施。在国际法上,由于外交官员虽然实际是在外国的领土内,但因享有治外法权,故仍视为受本国的法律管辖,而不受其驻在国的法律管辖,因而享有各种外交代表豁免权及其他特权。享有治外法权的除外交官员外,尚有外国元首,经同意进入领海的外国军舰、军队等。治外法权与领事裁判权〔consular jurisdiction〕不同。

In international law, extraterritoriality is the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations. Historically, this primarily applied to individuals, as jurisdiction was usually claimed on peoples rather than on lands. Extraterritoriality can also be applied to physical places, such as foreign embassies, military bases of foreign countries, or offices of the United Nations. The three most common cases recognized today internationally relate to the persons and belongings of foreign heads of state, the persons and belongings of ambassadors and other diplomats, and ships in international waters.相关例句如下:
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