
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
The move is another major concession from China’s leading social media and entertainment giant, whose signature app WeChat anchors the daily transactions of more than a billion Chinese. Tencent, which along with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd. controls vast sections of the country’s internet arena, had previously allowed users who upgraded to the latest version of WeChat to share external links only in one-on-one conversations. As part of the latest changes unveiled Monday, Tencent has done away with a “warning” page that pops up every time users click on external links.
Tencent has resisted dismantling WeChat’s barriers for fear of diluting the experience and driving users to rivals such as ByteDance’s Douyin. But China’s technology regulators have issued strong warnings to internet firms to stop blocking rivals’ links. That’s part of a broader campaign by Beijing to eliminate the so-called walled gardens or mobile ecosystems that shore up internet firms’ control of consumer data and online profits.

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