
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
Why domestic violence victims don"t leave - Leslie Morgan Steiner
China: City to let people getting married see their partner"s abuse history
A city in eastern China is introducing a system that lets people getting married check if their partner has a history of abuse.
Yiwu, in Zhejiang province, is launching an inquiry service that will be available to residents from 1 July.
Popular news website The Paper says that people who are arranging to get married will soon be able to fill out a form, and see if their partners have any history of violence, "either between family members or during cohabitation".
All they need to do is provide a formal form of ID, and personal information on the person they are set to marry. One person is allowed to make a maximum of two inquiries a year, it is reported.
Zhou Danying, a member of the women"s federation in the city, has welcomed the move, saying the system will help protect people in the city from domestic violence.

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