
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
Concerns about victims of domestic violence have been growing amid lockdowns during the Covid-19 epidemic. News website Sixth Tone noted police reports on domestic violence doubled or tripled in some areas while citizens were under lockdown.
Last month, fears about domestic violence victims grew after China made it more difficult for couples to divorce, introducing a new 30-day "cool-off" period to allow both parties time to rethink their decision.
Social media users at the time voiced fears that the law could lead to some people being coerced into backtracking, and it could deter victims from speaking out or leaving violent relationships.
The law, which will come into effect at the beginning of 2021, is not applicable to families with a history of domestic violence, however there were also concerns that not all cases can be detected.
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China: City to let people getting married see their partner"s abuse history
A city in eastern China is introducing a system that lets people getting married check if their partner has a history of abuse.

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