
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
In September usage of the word “vax” was up more than 72 times from its level last year, the firm said. The word, and others related to vaccination, had also been broadened into a wider range of contexts including “fully vaxxed” and “vax cards”.
Oxford Languages also tracked the rise and fall of vaccine vocabulary, from the usage of “vaccine distribution” in December 2020 to “vaccine rollout” and “vaccine passport” becoming common parlance by mid-March this year.
Jab, which started off in US English, is now seen far more commonly in Britain, according to Oxford Language’s analysis. In Scotland, jag has proven to be a frequently used alternative.
Vax has also been used in words to describe those against the jab, such as anti-vax or anti-vaxxers.
The company said the trend had been seen in other languages, with the use of “vacina” being heard 10 times more in Portugal than it was a decade ago, and the French “vaccin” now almost exclusively referring to the Covid inoculation, according to the report.

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