
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
“It’s not that surprising it’s something related to vaccination because these things try to get a spirit of the times, and people have spent more time thinking about vaccines than they ever have before.”
She added that social media were likely to have an impact, meaning words devised by younger generations now had more of a reach.
“Everyone within their own family and their own circle comes up with new words, and most of the time they stay within that circle. What social media can do, with something like vaccinations, is if you see someone tweeting about being ‘double vaxxed’, and then somebody else tweeting about ‘double vaxxed’, then you pick it up – and things that may have been in different small groups becomes much more widespread.”
The report said: “For lexicographers, it is rare to observe a single topic impact language so dramatically, and in such a short period of time become a critical part of our everyday communication. As reports of medical breakthroughs and rollouts (or strollouts) of vaccines emerged throughout the year, Oxford Languages’ monitor corpus of English tracked a worldwide surge in vaccine-related vocabulary.”

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