
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
In New York, a multicultural city, students like me are blessed with a chance to work with a diverse population. In my English to Italian translations, I’ve learned about social programs that I didn’t know existed. This work expanded my mind in ways that are impossible inside the four walls of a classroom. Walking through the streets of Brooklyn today, I am no longer confused by this city’s sounds and smells. Instead, enjoy its diversity.
1What did the author realize after entering school in Brooklyn?
A. Time passed quickly. B. English was hard to learn.
C. The food was terrible. D. People were very different.
2. Who does “the little girl” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. An Italian teacher. B. A government official.
C. The author herself. D. The author’s classmate.
3. How did the summer job benefit the author?
A. It strengthened her love for school. B. It helped sharpen her sense of direction.
C. It opened her eyes to the real world. D. It made her childhood dream come true.

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