
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
这个故事是对多多的一个警告,当时他正疯狂迷恋伊莲娜。伊莲娜就像他的生命一样重要。除了她以外,他无法专心做任何事。他确实应该去罗马追寻自己的梦想(就像他最终做的那样),但是他当时脑子里只有伊莲娜。The soldier has and doesn"t have the princess all at the same time for 99 days. He has her promise that she will be his, and he"s there. The solider leaves after 99 days because he can"t bare the thought of her changing her mind. It would be too much. So he leaves before she has the chance to destroy him.
在那99个日夜里,士兵在同一时间,既得到了公主,又没有得到公主。他获得了公主的承诺,时间一到她就属于他,所以他在那里一直等待。之所以在第99天的夜晚离开,是因为他不能承受公主改变主意的后果。对他来说,他无法承受这样的结果。所以,他在公主可能毁掉他之前离开了。That‘s the warning that alfredo is giving to toto. Not to put all his eggs in elena‘s basket that not to live his life, not to go to Rome. Be it for 99 days, months or years, waiting for a love with elena that might not work out anyway and being that obsessed would destroy him like it would have destroyed the solider.
这正是阿尔弗雷多想给多多的警告。不要把全部的人生都压在伊莲娜身上,而不去过自己的人生,不去罗马。等待99天、99个月、99年,最后可能依然没有结果,但这种痴情会毁掉多多的一生,就像那位公主本可能毁掉士兵一样。In the next scene, toto understands what alfredo is saying, he then decides to go to rome. toto has had his "99 days" with elena. He decides to give it up.

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