2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
new year's eve—mellow fellow / floo
所以忘却悲伤,忘却不快,迎接幸福的新一年。这一张 新年前夜 的原声带OST 送给你。如果你想在新年前夜温习一部暖心的电影,可以去看看这部老片。就像圣诞节要看《真爱至上》,情人节要看《情人节》,新年前夜看一部《新年前夜》也是一种仪式感吧。

New Year's Eve: Original Motion Pict
大家好,我是时代广场联盟的克莱尔·摩根Hello, I"m Claire Morgen of the Time Square alliance正如你们所见As you all can see彩球卡在半空中了the ball has stopped half way to its porch停滞的彩球提醒我们It"s suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne在我们打开香槟庆祝新的一年来临之际and celebrate the new year我们应该先停下来to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by反思过去的一年想想所取得的辉煌成就以及所经历的失败挫折to remember both our triumphs and our missteps我们的豪情万丈和背弃的诺言our promises made and broken我们曾经置身伟大的契机寻求刺激与冒险The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures也曾经自闭沮丧害怕失败与受伤or close ourself down for fear of getting hurt因为这才是除夕的精神所在Cause that"s what new year is all about给自己一个机会getting another chance一个去宽恕的机会a chance to forgive做得好一点,做得多一点,给予多一点,施爱多一点to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more别再担心“如果怎样”and to stop worrying about "what if"而是坦然面对即将发生的一切and start embracing what will be所以当彩球在午夜坠落so when that ball drops at midnight当然它会的and it will drop让我们一起牢记应当善待彼此lets remember be nice to each other彼此友爱kind to each other不仅仅是今晚and not just tonight而是未来的一整年but the whole year long谢谢thank you
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