2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视

这个版本是赵卫华的译本,吉林摄影出版社出版。嘛,本人也不能挑剔些什么,毕竟图书馆就找到这个版本的,只能将就着看看了。对比了一下手中仅有的小部分原文,发现译文还是很不错的。先看General Prologue的开头:
As soon as April pierces to the root / The drought of March, and bathes each bud and shoot / Through every vein of sap with gentle showers / From whose engendering liquor spring the flowers; / When zephyrs have breathed softly all about / Inspiring every wood and field to sprout, / And in the zodiac the youthful sun / His journey halfway through the Ram has run; / When little birds are busy with their song / Who sleep with open eyes the whole night long / Life stirs their hearts and tingles in them so, / Then off as pilgrims people long to go, / And palmers to set out for distant strands / And foreign shrines renowned in many lands. / And specially in England people ride / To Canterbury from every countryside / To visit there the blessed martyred saint / Who gave them strength when they were sick and faint.
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