
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
Thrust vector control (TVC) is used when the aerodynamic surfaces are inadequate to control the missile or when a greater agility may be required of the missile. The TVC subsystem is used to gimbal the entire rocket engine (typical for liquid engines) or gimbal the rocket nozzle (typical for solid rocket motors) or move jet vanes in the nozzle section of the thrust chamber to provide precise steering for the missile. The gimbal or jet vane movement is accomplished by actuators. The motions of the hydraulic actuators are controlled by servo valves, which in turn are controlled by commands from the vehicle"s guidance system.
Servo valves are encountered in a wide range of modern industrial applications because of their ability to handle large inertia and torque loads and, at the same time, achieve fast responses and a high degree of both accuracy and performance. Typical applications include active suspension systems, control of industrial robots, and processing of plastic. They are also ubiquitous in commercial aircraft, satellites, launch vehicles, flight simulators, turbine control.

www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号
