
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
上海主办方垠舍制造联合创始人Chris Shao, Bryce Cai 及 Jill Gu
Made in House Founders Chris Shao, Bryce Cai and Jill Gu
谈及二度登陆上海,“设计迈阿密”的首席执行官詹·罗伯茨(Jen Roberts)表示“我们很高兴回归上海。继2021年Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai首展告捷,第二届我们将携手垠舍制造(Made in House),向大众展出古今中外的设计藏品精萃。‘设计迈阿密’以作为全球性的创意和文化交流平台而自豪,伴随着中国设计界的持续繁荣发展,我们希望打造连接、启迪国内外收藏家、策展人、设计艺术爱好者的空间。“
Jen Roberts, CEO of Design Miami/, says: “We are hugely excited to see the return of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai. Following the success of our inaugural edition in 2021, this second edition of the Shanghai fair, a Made in House production, promises to capture the very best of Chinese and international collectible design, from the historic to the contemporary. Design Miami/ prides itself as a global platform for creative and cultural exchange. As the design scene in China continues to flourish, I hope the fair will serve as a platform to engage both Chinese and international gallerists, collectors and design enthusiasts alike, offering a space to connect, question and be inspired.”

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