
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
此次展会将呈现当代设计师和历史上知名设计师玲琅满目的系列作品。Gallery Sohe(上海,杭州)艺廊将展示深受自然栖息地演变过程启发的法国艺术家Leo Orta的作品, 他的作品于2022年被巴黎蓬皮杜艺术文化中心永久收藏;Objective Gallery(上海,纽约)将呈现华裔美国设计师Rosie Li的雕塑照明作品,Rosie将几何形式与有机元素相结合,回归自然的原生形制,她的作品挑战了视觉感知,模糊了产品和雕塑之间的界限;20c Gallery (北京) 将展示法国设计新生力量代表人物Wendy Andreu的作品,其设计探讨在冷峻的金属和张扬的布料之间的碰撞之美。同时, Pearl Lam Gallery艺廊(香港,上海)和Gallery All艺廊(北京,上海,洛杉矶)也会带来珍稀的艺术藏品。
This year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai Gallery program will present a diverse range of works by contemporary and historic designers. Gallery Sohe (Shanghai, Hangzhou) will showcase the work of French designer Leo Orta, whose work was inspired by the evolution of natural habitats and is in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Objective Gallery (Shanghai, New York) will present sculptural lighting works by Chinese-American designer Rosie Li. Combining geometric forms with organic elements and natural native forms, Li"s work challenges visual perception and blurs the line between product and sculpture. 20c Gallery (Beijing) will present the work of Wendy Andreu, an icon of the new French design force, who works between cool metal and flamboyant fabric.

www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号