2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视

pitch([pt]),及物动词,指“竭力劝说”(to try to persuade someone to do something)。例:She pitched her idea to me over a business lunch.她在一次吃工作午餐时竭力向我游说她的想法。enticeentice([ntas]),及物动词,指“诱惑;诱使;引诱”(to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant)。例:The adverts entice the customer into buying things they don"t really want.广告诱使顾客购买他们并不真正需要的东西。demographicdemographic([dem.ɡrf.k]),名词,指“(顾客)族群”(a group of people, for example customers, who are similar in age, social class, etc.)。
例:This demographic (young teenagers) is the fastest-growing age group using the site.该族群(十几岁的年轻人)是使用这个网站人数增长最快的年龄群体。
An Episode Of Friends Usually Took 5-Hours To Shoot一集《老友记》一般拍摄5个小时The process of filming an episode of Friends was much different in comparison to other sitcoms of its time. Unlike other shows that never dared to touch the script, Friends was very much the opposite. The show focused heavily on the reaction of the live audience, if a joke didn"t land, they would reshoot the scene.《老友记》的拍摄过程与当时的其他情景喜剧有很大的不同。
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