2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
双语阅读|拍摄一集《老友记》,需要多长时间呢?Via:How Long Did It Actually Take To Film A Single Episode Of Friends? (thethings.com)

Friends had a unique process of shooting its episodes. If the live crowd didn"t react to a certain punchline, the show didn"t shy away from doing the scene over again. Heck, in some instances, Lisa Kudrow herself would ask the audience if they understood a particular joke.《老友记》的拍摄过程很独特。如果现场观众对某个笑点没有反应,制作组会毫不犹豫地重拍一遍。有些时候,丽莎·库卓也会跑去问观众,是否听懂了某个笑话。
punchline([pnt.lan]),名词,指“(故事或笑话的最后部分点题或抛出笑料等的)妙语,画龙点睛的结尾句”(the last part of a story or a joke that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it funny)shy away from sthshy away from sth,指“(因不喜欢、害怕或缺乏自信而)退缩,躲避,畏避某事”(to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about)。例:I"ve never shied away from hard work.我从未畏避过艰苦的工作。
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