2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
The creators and cast had a blast making the show - though it was quite the process. Episodes weren"t very long but shooting them certainly was at least a few hours worth. Let"s take a look at how long it took to shoot and some other cool backstage facts.主创和演员们在制作这部美剧的过程中都很开心——尽管这是一个相当漫长的过程。每集的时长虽然不是很长,但拍摄起来肯定至少要花上几个小时的时间。让我们来看看拍摄一集《老友记》所需的时间,以及一些其他很酷的幕后故事吧。

blast([blst]),名词,指“喧嚣的聚会;狂欢”(an exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party)。例:You should have come with us last night - we had a real blast!昨天晚上你真该跟我们一起来,我们痛快地狂欢了一场!quitequite a/the/some sth,指“(用来强调…的程度或数量)很,挺”(used to emphasize the degree or amount of something, or to say that someone or something is impressive, interesting, or unusual)。
例:That"s quite a beard you"ve grown, young man!你留的胡子可真大,年轻人!
Creative Fights Behind The Scenes Took Place On A Few Instances During Friends在拍摄《老友记》时,有时候会产生创作上的分歧Looking back on its ten seasons, there are very few things fans would change about the iconic sitcom. However, in the writers room, things weren"t always as easy. The creators of the show revealed alongside the Hollywood Reporter that at times, there were some heavy debates when it came to certain storylines. One of them, was Joey going after Rachel. It was a back-and-forth struggle between both the creators and cast.回顾这部长达10季的经典情景喜剧,粉丝们几乎没什么可挑剔之处。
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