
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
Paul: Isn"t there?不需要吗?
Monica: Yeah... yeah, I think there is. -What were you gonna say?需要,我想需要的。你刚才想说什么?
Paul: Well, ever-ev-... ever since she left me, um, I haven"t been able to, uh, perform. (Monica takes a sip of her drink.) ...Sexually.
这个……呃…… 自从她离开后,我就一直无法……没做过…………性方面的……
Monica: (spitting out her drink in shock) Oh God, oh God, I am sorry... I am so sorry...天啊,天啊,对不起,对不起。
Paul: It"s okay...没关系……
Monica: I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now. Um...
how long?你现在需要的应该不是让人吐口水吧。多久了?
Paul: Two years.两年了。
Monica: Wow! I"m-I"m-I"m glad you smashed her watch! 哇!真高兴你砸烂了她的表!
Paul: So you still think you, um... might want that fifth date?你还想要第五次约会?
Monica: (pause)...Yeah. Yeah, I do.……当然想。
[Scene: Monica"s Apartment, Rachel is watching Joanne Loves Chaci.]
Priest on TV: We are gathered here today to join Joanne Louise Cunningham and Charles, Chachi-Chachi-Chachi, Arcola in the bound of holy matrimony.我们今天来这里参加乔安妮路易丝坎宁安和查尔斯 恰棋-恰棋-恰棋阿可勒的神圣婚礼。

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