2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视

Beijing 2022: Your guide to the Closing Ceremony
Expect some spectacular sights, as were seen in the Opening Ceremony.
The Closing Ceremony opens with a farewell message from the President of the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Cai Qi.
The Victory Ceremonies of the Cross-Country Skiing Women 30 km Mass Start Free and the Cross-Country Skiing Men 50 km Mass Start Free will take place.
The Closing Ceremony includes a parade of flags representing all participating nations, starting with the founding country of Greece and ending with the host nation.
Remaining Olympians march in a parade of athletes, but unlike the Opening Ceremony, there is no order as the athletes walk en masse.
The Olympic flag is lowered and the flag of the next Winter Olympic host country - Italy - is raised alongside the flag of the current host, China.
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