2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
1. 甲方交付的信托本金自交付日至信托期限开始日期间的利息;
The interest of the trust principal delivered by Party A for the period between the delivery date and the starting date of the trust period;
2. 自本协议签署日至交割日,所有陈述与保证均是真实、完整和准确的。
As from the Execution Date hereof to the Closing Date, all representations and warranties are true,complete and accurate.
3. 目标公司本次共计增加注册资本【】万美元,注册资本由128万美元增加至【】万美元。
The Target Company increases [ ] US dollars of registered capital in total this time, making the registered capital increase from 1.28million US dollars to [ ] US dollars.
4. To the extent that the cumulative amount of such withholding for any period exceeds the distributions to which such Partner is entitled for such period, the amount of such excess will be considered a loan from the Fund to such Partner, with interest at London interbank offered rate,until discharged by such Partner by repayment.
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