
2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
Unit 1
Further practice in listening
Short conversations
Conversation 1
W:It is the third time my paper has been rejected by journals because of language problems.
M:You know,there is a writing center on campus. I had never got a grade better than C for any of my term papers before they helped me out.
Q:What can we learn from the conversation?
Conversation 2
M:You said you would choose Spanish as your second foreign. Why did you finally choose French instead?
W:My grandfather speak fluent French and he says that French is a language that any truly cultured person must know.
Q:Why dose the women choose to learn French?
Conversation 3
W:You seem to have no problem understanding native speakers now. How about Dr.Brown’s speech last night.
M:Excellent. But it was still too fast for me to follow,especially when Dr.Brown talked about those abstract theories.
Q:What did the man do last night?
Conversation 4
M:It seems to me that Melissa is in a bad mood today.What’s wrong with her?

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