
2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
Interestingly,the second best-paying job for women is a pharmacist. Female pharmacists make a median of $1,605 per week or about $83,500 annually,nearly as much as physicians and surgeons and more than chief executives,which came in at No.3 on our list. Women account for 48 percent of the pharmacy profession and earn 83 percent as much as male pharmacists. Meanwhile,only 26 percent of CEOs are women,and they earn just 72 percent as their male peers.
Now women have been moving into relatively higher-paying jobs that were traditionally male-dominated. Overall, the gender pay gap is narrowing.
1. How has the number of working women with college degrees in the United States changed?
2. What is the current situation of working women in the United States?
3. What is the best-paying job for women?
4. What does the speaker think of the job prospects for women in the United States?
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D



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