
2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
M:Hold on. It’s not that bad. You need to take control. First go over to the Career Center;it’s on the second floor of the Students’ Union. Make an appointment with Monica Green. She’s really smart,helpful and nice.
W:Gosh. Thanks Juan. This is helpful. Career Center,second floor of the Students’ Union,Monica Green - right?
M:Yep! That’s right! Take your resume to get it reviewed. Remind me - what are you studying?
W:International Business.
M:Ok,pretty easy then. Check the Internet for international companies here in Seattle. That’s how I found my internship at Microsoft last summer. In fact,they’ve even offed me a job after I graduate.
W:You’re lucky! I wish I had an internship now-and a job waiting for me after graduation.
M:Don’t worry! You just need a plan. Try for an internship now,search hard for jobs and,always have another plan:You can always move back home with your parents in San Francisco if you need to.
W:That is good plan. My parents would be glad to have me back home in San Francisco for a while.

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