
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
Center for West African Studies
The Center for West African Studies of University ofElectronic Science and Technology of China is established through the platformof Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China and resources of ourpartnership and alumni in West Africa.
The establishment of Center for West African Studies isin line with Chinese National Philosophy and Social Sciences “Going Global”Strategy with the need to improve the image of UESTC in West African countries;to enhance China’s influence in West Africa; to strengthen China-Africacollaborations and to serve as a bridge for researchers and practitioners fromChina, West Africa and beyond to identify and meet the needs of West Africandevelopment.
Our mission and goals:
1. Serve as a training base for international students atUESTC which will promote cooperation and exchanges between West Africanuniversities and UESTC in aspects such as talents training, laboratory buildingand student internship, training and exchanges.

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