
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
your best to see if you can raise some significant questions and give
meaningful comments/criticism.
9. 在对这个问题进行仔细思考以后, 我认识到, 我们必须保证学生不但能谋生,
还能懂得怎样生活。 Upon careful reflections on this issue, I’ ve come to
realize that we must make sure that our students not only can make a living,
but also know how to live.
10. 有一次我修好了一个漏气的自行车胎, 爸爸拍拍我的肩膀, 逗我说我是家里
的天才, 有当机械师的潜力。 他的话引起了全家人的大笑。
Once I fixed my bike tire which was leaking. My dad patted me on the
shoulder and teased me saying that I am the family genius and have the
makings of a good mechanic. What he said set the whole family laughing.
1. Take a warm jacket with you in case it should suddenly turn cold.
2. It’ s not safe there, so stay in the hotel at night.
3. The two girl spoke so softly that no one else could hear them.
4. When you explain the danger of the drug to children, do it so that
they can understand.
5. The whole family worked hard so that they could send one of the children

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