
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
Shakespeare’ s works have been translated into many languages and read
all over the world.
3. 这个地区几乎有一半的农作物被暴雨摧毁了。
Almost half of the crops in the area have been destroyed in the
4. 假设有人请你列出十位你最钦佩的人,你会提谁?
If you were asked to list ten people you admire, who would you name
5. 一个陌生人正受到欺负,目睹此事,你会怎么办?
What would you do if you saw a stranger being bullied?
6. 他们的友谊是建立在共同的理想和兴趣之上的
Their relationship is based on shared dreams and interests.
1. 当我们到达目的地时, 我们发现这块地上已经没有任何建筑, 只有一些石头
散落在地上。 没有人能认出这是一段可以追溯到千年以前的城墙。
When we reached our destination, we found nothing standing on the ground
except some rocks scattered here and there. Nobody would be able to
recognize it as part of the city wall a thousand years ago.
2. 今天, 大多数人看问题都有了新的角度, 他们不再认为主要是国内生产总值
标志一个国家的幸福了。 Today, most people have got a new perspective. They
no longer accept the view that mainly GDP marks the happiness of a nation.
3. 让我们同意对方有不同意见吧。 我们起码在这一点上意见是一致的, 我们同

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