2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
Hollywood star Richard Gere-led 2009 drama "Hachi: A Dog"s Tale" is getting a Chinese remake with famous Chinese filmmaker Feng Xiaogang and Chinese-American actor-director Joan Chen attached to play pivotal parts. According to Variety, the movie started production on March 18 and is scheduled to premiere on New Year"s Eve.好莱坞影星理查·基尔主演的《忠犬八公的故事》(2009)将迎来中国版,并由中国著名电影制作人冯小刚和美籍华裔女演员、导演陈冲领衔主演。

The story focuses on a strong bond between a dog and his owner that the canine continues to await his master at the same downtown spot, where he used to get off work, every day for an entire decade after the man dies.忠犬八公的故事讲述了一只狗狗和主人的深厚情感,这只狗在主人死后的整整十年里,每天都在主人过去经常下班的同一个地点等待主人……
Feng will essay the role of the master, while Chen is set to play his character"s wife.冯小刚将扮演主人,陈冲则饰演电影中他的妻子。
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