
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
109.intrude on:侵犯
110.take it personally:别介意
111.be too hard on sb:对某人太苛刻
112.be louging on a sofa:在沙发上懒散得躺着
113.enlighten sb:启发某人
114.never-ending stream of:永无止境的
115.find out sound:润嗓子
116.menopausal symptoms:更年期
117.perky:活泼(penny 去试镜)
118.be tempted:被...吸引
119.smooth talker:擅长谈话的人
120.despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men:在坚强的外表下,他是一个内心敏感的人
121.nuture it and make it shine:培养它
122.get over oneself:别自以为是
123.call it off:取消
124.get braces off:把牙套去掉
125.my hubris and my pride:我的自以为是和骄傲
126.a little carried away:有点过分
127.you pick up on that:你看穿了
128.hit it off:合得来
129. be behind on one"s bill:手头紧
130.move a conversation forward:推进谈话
131.get off my case:别管我
132.It"s my treat:我请客
133.takeout food:外带
135.The die has been cast:木已成舟
136.bring it on yourself:自找
137.lay the following conundrum at your feet:自找困难
138.conversation opener:开场白
139.slide over one:坐座位向旁边移一个

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