2023-05-20 来源:飞速影视
Additionally, Winfrey has supported a handful of major Democratic candidates and endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016. In 2013, Winfrey hosted a fundraiser for then-Newark Mayor Cory Booker during his initial Senate bid.此外,奥普拉还支持过好几个民主党的主要总统候选人,并在2016年为民主党总统候选人希拉里克林顿背书支持。2013年,奥普拉还为当时的纽瓦克市长科里布克首次竞选参议员举办了筹款活动。
Right now Winfrey has multiple jobs. She's the CEO of the cable channel OWN, a "special correspondent" for the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes" and an investor in companies like Weight Watchers.奥普拉现在是身兼数职。她既是OWN电视台的首席执行官,也是CBS电视新闻节目《60分钟》的特派记者,还是慧俪轻体健康减重咨询机构等公司的投资人。
Her role at CBS News would conflict with any serious exploration of a presidential run. Winfrey recently sold part of her stake in OWN but renewed her contract to remain CEO through 2025. It would be relatively easy to step aside from OWN for a presidential campaign.她在CBS新闻的工作将和总统竞选产生冲突。奥普拉最近卖掉了她在OWN电视台的一部分股权,但是续签了担任首席执行官的合同(2025年到期)。从OWN电视台抽身去竞选总统还是相对容易的。
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