2023-06-08 来源:飞速影视
Now we are gonna talk about the Guiateen. There are a lot of variations of the Guiateen. A lot of different types. I"m gonna go through a couple types right now. "K. First your basic Guiateen. Make a fist. Grab your fist. Try not to use your thumb. "K. Here, grab the fist. Now. I want you to pretend like your a pirate. Yo Ho Ho. OK. A bottle of rum, here. Boom. Don"t do this. Inefficient. This. This. Let"s do that together. Boom.

Against your body. Boom. Traditional Guiateen finish. As if you"re doin" the thinker. "K. For all those educated people out there. Boom. Boom. This way. Boom. Boom. Traditional Guiateen. He shoots in. Boom. I get the Guiateen, square up, yo ho ho. He attacks. On this side. He shoots. Boom. Come in. Square up. Yo Ho Ho. Now. You can do that with the arm in or the arm out. So.
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