
2023-07-14 来源:飞速影视
Unit4 Friendsforever
Understanding ideas:
1. 分享相同的兴趣 share the same interests
2.社区活动 community activities
3. 和朋友沟通 communicate with friends
4.面对面谈话 talk face to face
5.与远距离的朋友保持联系stay in touch with faraway friends 6.lose track of
7.从遥远的朋友得到消息 get news from faraway friends
8. deliver 9. 多亏科技方面的thanks to advances in technology 10.move around the world
11.与某人维持朋友关系 remain friends with sb. 12.社交媒体工具social media tools 13.be up to sb. 14.维持友谊maintain friendship 15.wi-fi connection 无线宽带联系 16. 数据时代 the digital age 17.enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事
18. 分享我的兴趣爱好 share my interests 19.收集模型汽车 collect model cars 20.弹奏一种不同寻常的乐器play an unusual instrument 21.联系某人connect sb. 22.喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth. 23.生活在地球的另一端live on the other side of the earth
24.在网上加人们为好友 friend people online 25.不一定。It depends. 26.交换个人信息 exchange personal information
27.记住某事keep sth. In mind 28.在社交媒体上on social media
29. 倾向于做某事tend to do sth. 30. 发送积极的更新post positive updates 31. throw the baby out with the Bathwater

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