
2023-07-14 来源:飞速影视
32. acquire friends 得到朋友 33. 向往朋友 long for friends
34. 说服某人去做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 35. 抛弃传统的交友方式abandon traditional ways of making friends
36.比较喜欢去做某事prefer to do sth.
Using language:
1.和她交流很困难。 It is difficult to do communicate with her.
2.允许某人去做某事allow sb. to do sth.
3. 他的想法往往是令人鼓舞的。His ideas are always inspiring.
4. 解决问题solve problems 5.请某人帮助ask sb. for help
6.一位好的倾听者 a good listener 7.超过12岁over 12 years old
Keywords of friendship:
1. 感觉沮丧feel down 2.没有去做某事fail to do sth
3.给别人提供帮助 offer help to others/ offer others help
Helping our friends:
1. 延迟旅行postpone the trip 2.弄断了他的腿break his leg
2. 同意一项计划agree on a plan
3. 决定去做某事 decide to do sth. 4.给出一项建议make a suggestion 5.做出申明 make a statement 6.给出一项命令give an order 7.给出建议的几种委婉表达法:How about---? Why don’t we---? I was wondering whether ---
Developing ideas:
1. 发财make one’s fortune 2.我最可靠的密友my straunchest chum 3. 出现turn up 4.相互失去音讯lose track of each other
5.一个相当大的任务 a pretty big proposition 6. 拼命干,努力干某事hustle around over sth.

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