2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
now all these figures are obviously projection so they"re not facts. but you"ll see, it gives you some idea, that by 2030 china could account for one third of global gdp, by which time it will be something like twice the size of the american economy, already by this measure, by the way, it is 20% bigger than the american economy.
so, you know, the rise of china economically is formidable. and it is deeply embedded. and it is showing its ability to perform in many different areas, including, of course, technology.
the third point i would make is that the soviet union made a fundamental mistake in its relationship with the united states. and that was the arms race. it tried to compete militarily with the united states. and it spent so much money, wasted such resources, a disastrous approach.
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