2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
you see, the americans are extraordinarily over a very long historical period, centuries, have always been on the rise. and since 1945, they"ve been overwhelmingly global hegemonic.
the idea that america is number one is part of the american dna. it"s not just the presidents and the congressmen and so on who believe this. this is deeply imbued, i think, in the average americans.

the americans think they are best; the americans think they have to be top dogs. they"re not going to be bossed around by anyone else. they"re not going to be rivaled by anyone else.
now, of course, the reality is rather different, historically speaking, because no country can ever expect to be number one forever. think of china, the century of humiliation – china was displaced. and so this was the case with britain, and so on. and this will be the case with the united states.
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