
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
Nature’ s poll findings suggest that this trend is as strong as ever, but, to make a collaboration work, both sides need to invest time, and embrace surprise and challenge. The reach of art-science tie-ups needs to go beyond the necessary purpose of research communication, and participants. Artists and scientists alike are immersed in discovery and invention, and challenge and critique are core to both, too.
31. According to paragraph 1, art-science collaborations have ______.
[A] caught the attention of critics
[B] received favorable responses
[C] promoted academic publishing
[D] sparked heated public disputes
32. The reworked version of The Four Seasons is mentioned to show that ______.
[A] art can offer audiences easy access to science
[B] science can help with the expression of emotions
[C] public participation in science has a promising future
[D] art is effective in facilitating scientific innovations
33. Some artists seem to worry about in the art-science partnership ______.

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