
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
[A] their role may be underestimated
[B] their reputation may be impaired
[C] their creativity may be inhibited
[D] their work may be misguided
34. What does the author say about CAVS?
[A] It was headed alternately by artists and scientists.
[B] It exemplified valuable art-science alliances.
[C] Its projects aimed at advancing visual studies.
[D] Its founders sought to raise the status of artists.
35. In the last paragraph, the author holds that art- science collaborations ______.
[A] are likely to go beyond public expectations
[B] will intensify interdisciplinary competition
[C] should do more than communicating science.
[D] are becoming more popular than before
Text 4
The personal grievance provisions of New Zealand’s Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA) prevent an employer from firing an employee without good cause. Instead, dismissals must be justified. Employers must both show cause and act in a procedurally fair way.

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