
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
工作坊 16 迷物磁场


科恩 Ziv Ze’ev
科恩是一位注重技术的视觉艺术家。在他的实践作品中,不断挑战人类和机器的感官,反思机器对当今社会的影响,对具有可能性的未来进行推测。出生于以色列的 Cohen 现在在芝加哥发展,拥有芝加哥艺术与技术学院艺术学院的艺术硕士学位并留校任教。Cohen 的作品在全球范围内展出,例如最近在奥地利 Ars Electronica音乐节上的展出。受到创客运动和第四次工业革命的启发,Cohen 认为社会蜂巢大脑是我们未来的工具。作为一名教育工作者,Cohen 的使命是引导学生自身如何适应快节奏的技术发展,将数字模拟加工,电子元件,编程和 3D 模型软件的基本技能,作为推动与扩展年轻头脑的工具箱。
Ziv Ze’ev Cohen is a visual artist with an emphasis on technology. His works challenge the senses of both human and machine alike. Often speculating on possible future, in his practice, he constantly reflecting on the impact machines have on our society today. Born in Israel and based in Chicago, Cohen holds an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Art and Technology Studies where he works as a faculty member.Cohen’s works have been exhibited worldwide,recently was shown at Ars Electronica festival in Austria. As an educator, his mission is leading students to adjust themselves to the fast pace of technology. Inspired by the maker movement and the 4th industrial revolution Cohen believes the society hive brain is our future tool. By introducing the basic skills of digital and analog fabrication, electronics, coding, and 3D model software, he is pushing forward to extend the toolsets of young minds.

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