
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
Malcolm: What?!Malcolm: 啥?Lois: of the United States.Lois: 美利坚合众国总统Malcolm: Dad!?Malcolm: 爸!?Hal: I"m sorry, son. It"s true. Our expectations started out much smaller, but you just kept upping the ante.Hal: 抱歉,儿子,是这样的。我们的期望开始没那么大 ,可你一直在我们心头加砝码。Malcolm: What if I don"t want to be a president?Malcolm: 那要是我不想做总统呢?Lois: It"s too late for that. You"re gonna do it.Lois: 太晚了,你得这么做。
Malcolm: Oh really? Have you decided my position on capital-gains tax cuts? What my foreign policy objectives?Malcolm: 噢!是吗?你想好我对资本利得税消减的立场了吗?我的对外政策是什么?Lois: That doesn"t matter. What does matter is you"ll be the only person in that position who will ever give a crap about people like us. We"ve been getting the short end of the stick for thousands of years, and I, for one, am sick of it. Now you are going to be the president, mister, and that"s the end of it.Lois: 那不重要,重要的是你是唯一会站在我们这种人的角度着想的人。
我们处在劣势一方已经千百年了,我对此感到厌倦,现在你要去做总统,就这么定了。Malcolm: Did it ever occurred to you that I could have taken this job, gotten really rich and then bought my way into being president?Malcolm: 你想过我本可以接受那份工作,变得很有钱,然后用钱给我的总统目标铺路吗?Lois: of course it did. We decided against it.Lois: 当然想过,但我们不想那样。Malcolm: what?!Malcolm: 啥?Lois: Because then you wouldn"t be a good president. You won"t have suffered enough.Lois: 因为那样你就不会是一个好总统,你不会经历磨难。

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