
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
"Too busy to feel tired" is what Zeng Zixuan, 20, a sophomore at Yangtze Normal University used to describe her state of mind during the fire rescue in Beibei district. Zeng was one of the bricks of the "Great Human Wall" that helped deliver supplies to the fire scene, including fire extinguishers, industrial ice, water, goggles, medicine and other basic supplies.
She left for Beibei with other volunteers in the morning on August 26. After purchasing supplies, the volunteers set off toward the mountain top from the base camp at the bottom of the mountain, which is the first camp of all five stationed along the way up.
Motorcyclist volunteers sent her and others to the third camp, the highest point that can be reached by motorcycle, and from there, they have to further climb up themselves "with both hands and feet" to make sure they don"t slip from the steep hill.
She eventually reached the fourth camp near the top of the mountain and started delivering supplies with thousands of others who altogether formed a "human transport belt."
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