
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
Today, we get together here,from different countries and industries to discuss how those new trends will shape our future. When I was at a meeting with OpenAI in California last October, I asked the CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman that what do you think ChatGPT will impact on journalism. I was a journalist. He said it is doing a great job in helping journalists. But I think AI may also wipe out many jobs in the newsroom finally.
We believe the new AI wave will change our way of production, lifestyle, and even thinking. This is also a technology revolution. But I also believe that behind the big challenges,there will be more opportunities for us. As we traverse this path, it is important to remember that the key to the future lies in our ability to collaborate, and share ideas.
If I could only say one word to express what I most want to say at this year"s T-EDGE conference, I think it would be openness. In today"s society, every one of us needs a more open mindset. Innovation in technology requires openness, economic prosperity requires openness, business development requires openness, and the growth of each one of us also needs openness .

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