
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
Openness is not only a policy or a behavior, but also a vision and a way of thinking . Being complacent will only lead to the regression of our country and society and will only make us individuals narrow-minded and stingy .
That’s why we have T-EDGE conference. Every tech revolution starts with edge-cutting innovations,and every EDGE-cutting innovation can only become a disruptive force through openness and cooperation .
The T-EDGE Conference has always been about bringing the best minds in business, technology, and policy together to chart a path towards a better tomorrow. We hope that through our continued efforts, we can contribute to a more open and inclusive global innovation landscape.
This year"s T-EDGE conference will last three days. Day 1 features the Innovation Trends Forum, Day 2 is the Globalization Forum, . On Day 3, there is the China Listed Company Investment and Fund Summit. And tonight, we will hold the "Tiko Poetry Time“钛空诗会”that goes beyond technology and business, with a cultural and artistic atmosphere.

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