
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Key to Day18.
1.in the 21st century2. the graduation ceremony, was held3. certain, honest, certain of/about, honesty4. make certain/sure, for certain/sure, certainly, uncertainty5. a chain of meet the challenge of, challenging6. chalk, two pieces/sticks of chalk7. champion,championship8. a chance, take your chance, cheat, by chance, build up your character, a man of good character9. change them for, change, changeable, check up 10. Network chat/Online chatting, cheap, free of charge, in the charge of, cheating, charged with
Key to Day 19
1. cheering on, cheer up 2. Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, The Chinese 3. choose but, made the choice, no choice but 4. Christmas Day, go to church, in the church 5. packs of, cigarette ends6. Under no circumstances, attend class 7. In/Under any circumstances, citizens, cil 8.
circling 9. children, clapped their hands 10. civilization, cheerful
Key to Day 20
1. doing a thorough cleaning, clear up, clarify 2. clerks, clever at, collecting 3.weather,climate 4. cloth, clothing, getting cold, clothes 5. get close to, keep a close watch 6. Everycoin has two sides 7. coffee, coke, coffees 8. by coincidence, off the coast 9. colleagues,cold to, in collision with 10. went to a medical college, At college, collection, clinics

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