
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Key to Day 21
1. come about 2. came across, companions, come back to life, came into being 3.committee, made comments on, commercial competition, came up with 4. committedcrimes,communication 5. In the company of, be compensated 6. Compared with/to7. in competition with 8. common 9. it comes to, communism, communists 10. goodcommand
Key to Day22
1. concentrate my mind on, beyond comprehension 2. As far as l"m concerned, has noconcern with 3. draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion, in good condition, conditions 4. confidence in, confident of 5. come into conflict with 6. confusing, confused 7.congratulated, congratulations 8. connect him to/with 9. in connection with 10. conduct
Key to Day 23
1. In consequence of, under cons truction 2. Considering, consider sending 3. consistingof, made up of 4. consume, consumption, consumer 5. included, contains 6.content,content 7. On the contrary, continued doing 8. contributed, contributing 9.contributions to 10. out of control/beyond control, lost control of

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