2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视

If anyone asks youhow the perfect satisfactionof all our sexual wantingwill look, lift your faceand say,Like this.When someone mentions the gracefulnessof the nightsky, climb up on the roofand dance and say,Like this.现在该是沉默之时,假如我告诉你:他的真实身份你会冲破自我束缚任凭展翅高飞Now it is time for silence.If I told you about His true essenceYou would fly from your self and be gone,and neither door nor roof could hold you back!如果有人想知何为灵魂或信仰甘甜把你的头靠近他或她你的脸紧紧贴近像这样若有人引用古诗之镜像乌云遮盖月亮通过缓慢地松开绳结你的长袍像这样If anyone wants to know what “spirit” is,or what “God’s fragrance” means,lean your head toward him or her.Keep your face there close.Like this.When someone quotes the old poetic imageabout clouds gradually uncovering the moon,slowly loosen knot by knot the stringsof your robe.Like this.当有人问你在这里要做什么?
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