2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视

今天的文章来自The Economist 5月18日发布于Business版块的一篇文章: Why the techie obsession with sleep technology makes perfect sense
Sleepless in Silicon Valley
Why the techie obsession with sleep technology makes perfect sense
First, close the blackout blinds in your bedroom. Eat dinner at 4pm, and do not eat or drink anything after 6pm. Put on your blue-light blocking glasses at 8pm. Set your bedroom temperature to 67oF (19.4℃) and your electric blanket to 69.8oF (21℃). At 8.45pm, meditate for ve to ten minutes. Switch on your deep-wave sound machine. Put on your Oura sleep-tracking ring.
You are now, nally, ready for slumber. This may all sound a bit over the top. But this is the “sleep hygiene” routine described in a recent blog post by Bryan Johnson, who sold his previous company to eBay for $800m and is now chief executive of Kernel, a startup developing brain computer interfaces.
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