
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Schiaparelli has held leadership roles with major healthcare companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Baxter. She has also served as an executive at high-growth, innovative companies like ApaTech (U.K.), which she helped sell to Baxter, AxoGen, where she assisted its up-list to NASDAQ, InteloMed, where she launched the CVInsight Monitoring and Informatics System, and Neurotechnology Innovations Translator, an incubator and investment vehicle to launch and grow companies in the neuromodulation space. Schiaparelli received a Master of Business Administration in finance and business management from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a Bachelor of Science in finance and international management from the Questrom School of Business at Boston University.
Jill Schiaparelli是Avation Medical的总裁兼首席执行官,Avation Medical是一家医疗技术公司,致力于创新患者友好的可穿戴神经刺激疗法。Schiaparelli热衷于将尖端医疗技术推向市场,以帮助改善患者的生活。凭借在医疗保健行业20多年的经验,她在领导创新医疗保健组织方面磨练了自己的专业知识,凭借对全球医疗设备商业化,新兴技术,战略营销,医疗保健消费主义和患者护理途径建模的深入了解,推动他们取得成功。

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