
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Before joining Inspire in 2019, Jacobson spent nearly 15 years at Boston Scientific in the cardiac rhythm management and electrophysiology division. While there, she was part of the Women’s Leadership Network, which advances diversity and inclusion initiatives. Jacobson has also served as a team captain with Inspire for the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk and is an avid supporter of Heart to Home Furnishings, a nonprofit organization that was co-founded by her father. She received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of St. Thomas and her Master of Science in social work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Erin Jacobson是Inspire Medical Systems的西区销售副总裁,Inspire Medical Systems是一家快速发展的医疗设备公司,为那些无法使用CPAP的人提供睡眠呼吸暂停治疗。在她目前的职位上,Jacobson负责美国西半部的商业销售战略,执行和市场扩张,横跨27个州和超过125名现场销售专业人员。在她两年的任期内,Inspire由于强劲的市场扩张和公司增长,其员工人数翻了一番。
在2019年加入Inspire之前,Jacobson在波士顿科学公司的心律管理和电生理学部门工作了近15年。在那里,她是女性领导力网络的一员,该网络推动了多元化和包容性倡议。雅各布森还曾担任美国心脏协会年度心脏漫步的Inspire的队长,并且是由她父亲共同创立的非营利组织Heart to Home Furniture的狂热支持者。她拥有圣托马斯大学心理学学士学位和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校社会工作理学硕士学位。

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