
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Suzon Lommel是全球女性保健公司Viveve Medical的法规和质量事务高级副总裁,也是先进医疗技术和程序开发的领导者,这些技术和程序解决了女性健康中未满足的重要需求领域,包括尿失禁和亲密健康解决方案。在超过30年的职业生涯中,Lommel在建立和指导医疗器械行业的监管和质量体系方面拥有丰富的经验。她在众多创新和颠覆性技术的战略规划和开发中发挥了重要作用,从早期开发到全球商业化。
在加入Viveve之前,Lommel是Ulthera的全球监管和质量事务副总裁,现在是Merz Aesthetics的一部分。她还曾在Breathe Techniques,FoxHollow Technologies,Advanced Stent Technologies和Boston Scientific担任执行或高级管理职务。她协调了包括IDE,PMA和510k提交在内的监管策略,并与FDA的监管机构以及国际监管和许可组织密切合作。作为一名狂热的动物爱好者和志愿者,Lommel多年来一直与小狗救援任务合作,该组织致力于帮助军事人员将宠物从战区带回家。她拥有加州穆尔帕克学院的物理学学位。
Karen Bannick McQuoid, Bannick


Title: Chief Executive Officer
Karen Bannick McQuoid is the Chief Executive Officer of Bannick, a primary device group founded in 1998 to provide clinical, medical writing, quality, regulatory, and auditing guidance to medical device companies. Building on her passion to bring safe and effective technology to patients around the world, McQuoid has practiced her unique combination of biostatistics, clinical study, and exceptional regulatory skills in the medtech industry for over 30 years. She and her expert team provide strategic guidance and development of deliverables to manufacturers, getting new medtech to the market and ensuring post-market safety. Her expertise in development of European clinical evaluations is well recognized, as is her insightful strategic guidance in clinical and regulatory matters.

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